Donations and Volunteering


Donations to the National Military Heritage Museum will allow the museum to continue to serve as a means to pay tribute to all five branches of the United States Armed Forces. All money donated will be used to continue the renovation of the museum building, as well as to expand exhibits.

As a contributor to the museum, you will receive several benefits:
Charitable federal and state (Missouri) income tax deductions
Capital Founders and Exhibit Sponsors receive permanent recognition
Business contributors may receive a 50% Missouri Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) Tax Credit

When making your donation, make your check payable to the National Military Heritage Society.

If you are interested in sponsoring an exhibit, contact Frank Flesher at (816) 233-4321 or write to him at National Military Heritage Museum 701 Messanie Street, St. Joseph, MO 64501-2219

If you are interested in donating money to the museum with your Visa or Mastercard on-line, provides a secure site for you to do so.

As well as donations of money, you can also donate stock to the museum.

You can also donate any military artifacts that you may have. Things such as military uniforms, papers, and weapons are of interest.

Donation Cards

If you are interested in contributing money to the museum, click here for a contributor's card. Simply print the card, fill it out, and send it to the National Military Heritage Museum.

Another option in your donation of funds is to purchase a personalized brick.

The National Military Heritage Museum is offering a unique tribute-Personalized Bricks-to honor men and women whose courage and sacrifices have promoted the spirit of freedom throughout the world. Businesses, organizations, and individuals can purchase a Personalized Brick for only $100. Contributors' tax deductible Personalized Bricks will be placed in the "Courtyard of Honor" at the museum's entrance to be seen by thousands of visitors for generations to come. If you are interested in this, click here. Simply print out the card, fill it out and send it to the museum with your check.


If you are unable to donate money, you might think about donating your time to the museum. There are several ways you can assist the museum:
Become a museum guide
Assist with the building renovations
Create displays (dioramas, models) or donate displays (military artifacts)
Organizing materials
Cataloging artifacts
Setting up displays
Public Relations/Marketing

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Web Page designed by Angela Goin